
We’re both excited about learning Spanish.  Jenn had taken a couple semesters of Spanish in Canada and she’s doing amazingly well.  My Spanish is improving, but is extremely basic.  That said, I’m already finding that I can understand the gist of a conversation if I listen carefully.  Jenn will be starting classes next week and I’ll start in a couple of weeks because of some work engagements.  Speaking of language, yesterday a Spanish lady asked us for directions (in Spanish) on the street and we were able to help her with the aid of oMaps.

Also on the topic of language, I’ve been trying to train myself not to refer to Vancouver as ‘back home’.  This is our home now, and even though it’s been less than a week, I feel comfortable here and want the words I use to reflect that.  Speaking of home, we signed the papers and paid the startup fees for an apartment today!  We have the keys and move in next week.  We’re both very excited.  Once we move in we’ll take photos and post them for you to see.  In the meantime, this is the street we’ll be living on.  It’s in Ciutat Vella, which means “old city”, specifically in El Born which is an old but very hip neighbourhood.  The area is very dense and very lively, unlike anywhere we’ve lived before, which should be interesting.

2 thoughts on “Language

    • The 360⁰ view is part of Google Maps. If you zoom in all the way on a normal topographic map it will go into “street view” mode. I found the location of our new apartment and then zoomed in all the way, put the street view into a nice orientation and then used the “Link” option to get a link to paste into the post. You can learn more about street view here:

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